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348 South Waverly Road
Holland, MI, 49423
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Align Fitness Pilates and Barre Studio is dedicated to your fitness needs, whether you are training for a 25K or starting an exercise program for the first time! We offer Pilates mat classes and equipment privates, Barre classes, and Tai Chi classes.

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The problem with working out at home Part 2

Align Fitness

I'm not trying to talk you out of working out at home. Or joining Barre Fitness Anytime.

But to shamelessly borrow someone else's line, this is a no-spin zone. Just the facts. And some opinions, of course.

The other major difficulty lots of people have with working out at home is ... drum roll please ... ACCOUNTABILITY. Do you do all the reps or give yourself a break since no one's watching? Are you more likely to skip a workout since no one will care that you're not showing up to class? I've mentioned a few times during a workout here and there that the 'discipline' of working out out is the endurance. Sticking with a set of reps even though your body is screaming for mercy. But the real discipline is showing up in the first place, day after day, month after month.

So how do you do it with at-home workouts? And for that, my friends, I have no magical answers. No-spin zone, remember? Any of the gimicky tricks you can find online through a google search may or may not stick. What works for one person may not work for someone else. And what works this month may not work the next month.

The cold, hard truth is, it's mental. It's all about attitude. Exercise starts (like sex, for women, anyway) between the ears. Staying mentally focused on how good exercise makes you feel and not getting side tracked by life is hard! Not letting yourself get over whelmed by your crazy life and believing in exercise as a gift that you give yourself requires a mental somersault or two. Some of us are naturally flexible and are great at it and some of us need more of a warm-up before attempting any mind jujitsu.

So working out at home is not, I admit, for everybody. It just isn't. 

I believe it's important for you to hear (read) me say (write) that because it means that if you're one of those people who need a little more accountability, that's O.K. Just like yoga isn't for everyone, or running, or spinning. We each need to find what works for us and to hell with everybody else!

But for those of us who can do it, it's awesome. I love working out in my Scooby Do pajamas, not having to worry about make-up, not having to drive somewhere, not being in an over-crowded class next to Ms. I-Do-Everything-Perfectly, and being able to chose my own workout depending on how I feel that day, having my own yoga mat that only I've sweated all over!

We do what we can with what we've got at this point in time. And enjoy that glass of wine later with no guilt or regrets.